Yet once again you would think they had been hard done to. Megson went whinging after the game. "It was a typical striker's challenge and it upset me that he sent him off," Megson said.
He then even had the nerve to suggest it was all because Hulse had been badly fouled and that the referee was looking to send one of his players off all afternoon.
He said that they would be appealing but that will not happen. West Brom still refuse to admit that Hulse elbowed the player but they have now elected not to appeal suggesting the video evidence is inconclusive.
"We have explored every avenue open to us but, unfortunately, there is only one television replay of the incident," said West Brom director Dr John Evans.
"We've watched it many times. It shows that both players went up with their arms akimbo, but is not sufficiently clear to either condemn or exonerate Rob.
"Considering the referee stated that Rob led with his elbow, we feel that although Rob is almost certainly innocent of the alleged offence, the evidence is not strong enough to encourage the FA to overturn the referee's decision."
Maybe Dr. John Evans should take a long hard look at the whole video and look at some of the offences by Andy Johnson, Sean Gregan and Geoff Horsfield and then come and try and tell us they are innocent. Keith Curle’s Mansfield were like angels compared to this lot.
Hulse will now quite rightly serve the three match suspension his actions fully deserve.