But these are not normal circumstances as we all know and the club is in one big financial mess right now that it needs to get out of and quickly otherwise we could be facing administration and that we do not want.
Fund raising is under way with special shirts and dinners plus all kinds of things and people are wondering just what they can do.
And the best thing anyone can do right now if at all possible is buy a ticket and go to this week's FA Cup tie against Gillingham. There is no guaranteed attendance for this game, no 8,500 season ticket holders already accounted for, we start at zero.
Our club needs as many of us as possible to go through those turnstiles on Saturday and by doing so it is giving the club double support. By going you are giving the club money through the ticket sale and also giving the team your support.
Both are vital, the money because it helps with the search for £700,000 that is needed by next month and because the support might just help the lads to a victory that can take us into the next round with the extra interest and money that will bring in.
Football has always been about football to me and I’m sure to all of you but in the last year or so we have seen clubs fall on hard times and come close to disappearing altogether. We don’t want that for our club and there is no better way to show our support than going to the games.
The club have said as much, if we can increase the crowds then the problems will not be quite so severe.
We pride ourselves in being a passionate lot and caring about our club. Well the club we care about really does need our help. This is not the time to ask questions why? This is not the time to think that others will sort it out? This is the time to give this wonderful Football Club of ours all the support we can.
Not everyone with a passion for Burnley Football Club can get to the Turf this Saturday but a lot of us certainly can and if you are one that can then please do what you can to get there.
We’re not going to fill the ground but it would be nice to come a lot closer than a lot of people are predicting. We would be lost without Burnley Football Club in our lives and right now Burnley Football Club needs us. If you can do it this week then please, please do.